Brave Trails
Stock Donation
Thank you for your generosity in considering a stock donation to Brave Trails. Your gift will help us continue to offer our life-changing leadership summer camp for LGBTQ youth. Please give this information to your stock broker and they can assist you with the donation process.
After Brave Trails receives your stock donation and our broker confirms the donation of securities, our staff will issue an official acknowledgment letter to the donor. This letter will indicate the number and type of shares received and date the stock was converted into a gift (day when record ownership of stock was transferred to Brave Trails or the stock was unconditionally delivered to Brave Trails).
All contributions are tax- deductible to the fullest extent provided by law. Every effort will be made to sell non-marketable securities as quickly as possible. For tax purposes, the value of the stock will be an average of the high and low prices on the date of the gift. The donor should be aware of possible tax implications. Please contact your tax advisor for complete tax deductibility rules.
RBC Wealth Management
For electronic transfers, our DTC number is 0235.
This is the most secure, cost-effective way to process your gift.
Account Name: Brave Trails
Account Number: 32150834
Account Type/Registration: Religious / Non-profit
Financial Advisor:
Scott Burns
9465 Wilshire Blvd Suite 700 Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Office 800-367-8876
Fax 310-859-0408
Federal Tax ID