Trans Day of Visibility!


Brave Trails Honors International Trans Day of Visibility!

Held annually on March 31, International Transgender Day of Visibility is a time to celebrate transgender and non-binary people around the globe and acknowledge the courage it takes to live openly and authentically. Advocates also use the day to raise awareness around discrimination and violence that trans people still face.


We need to ACT UP and uplift our community.

Today in the United States there are over 533 proposed anti-trans bills and legislation.

A message to Allies:
Trans Day of Visibility (TDOV) intends to celebrate and empower the transgender and nonbinary community, bringing visibility to our experiences. But visibility without protection is dangerous at best and fatal at worst. With hundreds of anti-trans bills criminalizing our presence in every public sphere, with public figures and politicians openly calling for our eradication, and with anti-trans violence at an all-time high, we need protection. We need our allies to ACT UP.

Our youth deserve to learn about LGBTQ+ history, to feel safe in their schools, to explore their gender identity, access affirming health care, and the chance to thrive and grow into the bright and brilliant people that are. Our youth deserve better than this. Please take ACTION today to educate yourself and show up as an ally to LGBTQ+ youth at a time they need it most.


A message to Trans and Non-binary Folks:
Please know you are loved. We understand how overwhelming and scary this has been for all of us. We have been thinking of you and will continue to to find ways to show up for you through these challenging times. You deserve to grow into your most authentic-self. Keep going!

As a reminder, we now have free year round events and low cost mental health services. If you need someone to talk to, please reach out to our friends at the Trevor Project (866) 488-7386 or Translifeline (877) 565-8860

Watch our recent TikTok Video: