LGBTQ+ Musicians Poster
This amazing @lgbtqmusicians poster was created by Mike Curato in collaboration with Colt Tipton and Barbie Wong (a Brave Trails Parent)!
The poster is designed and illustrated by Mike Curato
The poster is designed and illustrated by Mike Curato, an award-winning author and illustrator. Mike's most recent book Flamer is a YA graphic novel that has won numerous awards, including the Rainbow Book List. "Masterfully nuanced and stunningly told, this is visual storytelling at its finest" (Booklist). Mike is the author and illustrator of the popular Little Elliot series, which is an international hit and has been translated into 10 languages. He has also illustrated many other delightful children's books.
Friends Barbie Wong and Colt Tipton curated the idea behind creating the LGBTQ+ Musicians Poster as a love note to their transgender children. As musicians themselves, they wanted a poster that would be graphically attractive as well as promote inclusivity and celebrate LGBTQ+ musicians.
A message from Barbie: “As you may know, LGBTQ+ youth have very high rates of depression and suicide--and that number increases for transgender youth. My friend Colt and I both have transgender kids, so we want to make this world a better, safer place for all LGBTQ+ youth. And since we--and our kids--are also musicians, we decided to create a poster that would showcase LGBTQ+ musicians. We're hoping this poster creates a safe, welcoming environment for LGBTQ+ youth and inspires them to make music and celebrate their unique identities.”
Left to right are Aris Wong (Barbie’s Child), Dustin (Colt's partner), Colt (in blue), Luna (Colt's daughter-above), Eve (Colt's daughter-below), Tenzin (Barbie’s daughter) and Barbie. Photographer: Jeff (Barbie’s Husband)!
The LGBTQ+ Musicians poster features 8 musicians such as Elton John, Pyotr Tchaikovsky, and Bessie Smith.
The hope is to get these posters to places where LGBTQ+ youth will see them--classrooms, community centers, homes, music schools, libraries.
Learn how you can purchase one for your organization and/or donate to help them get these posters out to as many people as possible!